Some of the weird and wonderful names of machines in Cambridge, and the people who own them ...
This is a superset of .
For more of this sort of frivolity, see
ban.joh | dhm23 (David Mansell) |
moh.joh | dhm23 (David Mansell) |
uglykid.joh | dhm23 (David Mansell) |
baby.jesus | saw30 (Stuart White) |
bee.jesus | ac283 (Andy Cuthbert) |
flevit.jesus | mma29 (Moray Allen) |
fluffy-bunny-two.jesus | tek1000 (Turi King) |
oh.jesus | mk270 (Martin Keegan) |
resurrexit.jesus | mma29 (Moray Allen) |
sweet.jesus | mjg59 (Matthew Garret) |
| | | ? | | kjm25 (Kieran Mansley) | | ? | | ? | | mmm27 (Miriam Moules) | | mwk20 (M. W. Kern) | | ? | | kjm25 (Kieran Mansley) |
| |
dam.sel | mcv21 (Matthew Vernon) |
hurd.sel | mcv21 (Matthew Vernon) [a typo for hard.sel] |
padded.sel | (Dickon Reed) |
pick.sel | mcv21 (Matthew Vernon) |
| |
penny.chu | ? |
| |
may.trin | udz20 (Uri Zafarty) |
| |
door.acad.cai | ? [yes, the acad in the middle is silly ...] |
| |
intensive.clare | cwrl2 (Chris Lightfoot) [originally by djl27 (Dave Linton) |
| |
habeas.corpus | [doesn't actually exist at the moment, but most of the conjugations of habeo do] |
brain.sel | (Matthew Byng-Maddick) [also pinky.sel] |
carou.sel | |
dura.sel | cr212 (Chris Reed) |
fuel.sel | cr212 (Chris Reed) |
prison.sel | cr212 (Chris Reed) |
solar.sel | |
single.sel | |
voltaic.sel | cr212 (Chris Reed) | | mwk20 (M. W. Kern) | | mwk20 (M. W. Kern) |
chiark.chu | iwj10 (Ian Jackson) [now, of course] |
choo.chu | jjmk2 (Joe Kilner) |
fuman.chu | nsb23 (Neil Bennet) |
koyaanisquatsi.chu | (Alex Blewitt) [the film of the same name is spelt without the first 'u', and comes from the Hopi indian word for `life out of balance'] |
dex.trin | (Tony Finch) [now] | | |
counter.fitz | |
mizz.fitz | (Ben Chalmers) |
chocolatee.clare |
dura.sel -> prison.sel -> voltaic.sel -> fuel.sel -> (Chris Reed) carou.sel -> solar.sel -> (Unknown) moh.joh -> (so called due to its 22Gb of disk) uglykid.joh -> spearmint.joh -> rodney.joh (a Dell) -> (David Mansell)
Richard Watts' (rrw1000) naming scheme:
Dan Sheppardwrote: >Richard Watts used to have a machine called rosie, whose name is quite >a mystery to all but Richard. It was the cause of much discussion at >the time. My pet theory is that it was named after someone mentioned >on a plaque above Selwyn B staircase (where Richard lived). You will undoubtedly be pleased to hear that you are entirely wrong :-). After rosie, I went through Minbari warships (trigati, mphili) and human ships (cortez), and ended up at mythological figures (epona, camaxtli, bahamut, oannes). I could tell you how I picked rosie, but then I'd have to kill you :-). Nowadays, I have a simple algorithm for picking machine names - I open Routledge's `Who's Who In Non-Classical Mythology' at a random page, and pick a name I like the sound of. If I'm in a bad mood, the name comes from the long list of unpronounceable gods in the entry on `Aztec Religion' :-). The Origami project uses the names of goose species (except for stkitts, which isn't really ours). This turns out not to be such a good idea, since there are only three memorable ones (greylag, canada and snow).
Simon Tatham:
We never had la.trin (unfortunately, or not), although there was dex.trin (Tony) and doc.trin (dunno who)... King's didn't do choosable hostnames, which was a shame, because `three' and `span' would have been fun. Personally I think oh.jesus gets the award for Cambridge college domain name abuse. Oxford has
Abuse? Who, us?
From: Mark Longair <> I guess it's a different kind of abuse, but I was rather amused by the typo that somehow appeared in wagner.jesus....
... which became wanger.jesus.
And finally, the history of oh.jesus and a lot more:
From: (Martin Keegan) I have to confess that all three of these (oh.jesus, paul.merton, wanger.jesus) are connected with me. oh.jesus was dreamt up in the Little Rose by the lodger who was staying at my house, and loudly approved by the omnipresent mwk20, who had registered the name (, not its current IP) for the machine which was to become oh.jesus (I didn't even TRY to register whip.jesus) paul.merton is largely the fault of one Robin Stevens (who had, a bloody-well run student Linux box on which I had accounts (which gave me - surprised it was allowed)) who did the internet humour archive thing. We really need a Cambridge Uni DNS names FAQ. Or maybe a HOWTO ;) Mk
And thus this document was born.
What do you call a group of people from Queens?
From: (Duncan Richer) Martin Read ( wrote: : In article <7nkchs$t1q$>, : Duncan Richerwrote: : >I've only heard Queensmen used. However, we really need to come up with : >something a little more appropriate for both sexes. : >I'll plump for Queenies until I hear any better responses. Only if we all have to be referred to individually as Reg. That might just work.
Julian, from the CS:
From: Julian KingHermes is the mail _system_. The machines themselves are colours. I learned recently that the original naming scheme for these colours were shades of bruises :-) (returning to the original topic) In this office the tradition is for monsters, however since I have a personal tradition of bending rules to name things after food I called my machine cookie. Previously I worked somewhere which named its computers after cult TV programs - one of the first machines I named was called porridge - somewhat gratuitously. I then started a new cluster and they were named after sweets - smarties, polo, flake etc.