The commands that did most of the legwork in converting the petjcr html website to a gopher one. These commands were run in a folder: /home/daniel/Desktop/petjcr/ which contained a wgeted version of the petjcr website. #convert all .php files (which have already been coverted to html when downloaded) to txt files and stick a .txt extension on the end find . -type f -name '*.php' -exec html2text -o /home/daniel/Desktop/petjcrgopher/'{}'.txt -nobs -style pretty '{}' \; #ditto for files that contain .php and then something after that ##(this could possibly be incorperated into the previous command by changing '*.php' to '*.php*' but I have not tested that) find . -type f -not -name '*.php' -name '*.php*' -exec html2text -o /home/daniel/Desktop/petjcrgopher/'{}'.txt -nobs -style pretty '{}' \; #convert all the .htm files to txt files adding a .txt extension to the end find . -type f -name '*.htm*' -exec html2text -o /home/daniel/Desktop/petjcrgopher/'{}'.txt -nobs -style pretty '{}' \; #copy all the non html files accross find . -type f -not -name '*.htm*' -not -name '*.php*' -exec cp '{}' /home/daniel/Desktop/petjcrgopher/'{}' \; useful gopher to make email addresses clickable (at least on this server - Malcom (mas90) has done much magic) hEmail where Email me is the text you want to appear, is the email address you want mail to go to is the tab character. It is important that the h is the first character on a line.