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Gopher: adj35

 *  Andy J: Gemini support when?
 *  . +-----------+
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 *  .vV*v|v*VvVVv^ilv|Vv*
 *  I am Andy Jenkins, and I studied civil engineering at Peterhouse until
 *  I graduated in 2022. I was secretary of the SRCF from 2021-22, and
 *  occupied various roles on CUSAGC committee over the years. I also
 *  created PetMenu, a site which shows a more friendly presentation of
 *  the Peterhouse hall menus based on reprocessing the PDFs:
 *  Petmenu -- Now available via Gopher!gopher-menu
 *  Peterhouse menus for 2024-12-15
 *  My WWW site lives here:
 *  adj35.user.srcf.net
 *  Posts
 *  Jul 15 2022: Get texdoc on Debian to find docsplain
 *  Jul 31 2021: Zoomer reacts to Usenetplain
 *  Tech interests:
 *  I've recently tried the Haiku operating system and I like it a lot.
 *  It's usable enough on the old Core-2 desktop at home that I'm
 *  intending to try to keep using it as much as possible. Expect more
 *  Haiku content here?

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