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 *  |.........................
 *  |.....SSSSS....RRRRR......
 *  |....S.....S...R....R.....
 *  |....S.........R....R.....
 *  |.....SSSSS....RRRRR...... Student-Run
 *  |..........S...R..R.......
 *  |....S..CCCCC..R.FFFFFF... Computing Facility
 *  |.....SCSSS..C.R.F..R.....
 *  |......C.........F........
 *  |......C.........FFFFF.... Gopher Service
 *  |......C.........F........
 *  |......C.....C...F........
 *  |.......CCCCC....F........
 *  |.........................
 *  ** Welcome to the SRCF
 *  Welcome to the Official Gopher site of the Student-Run Computing
 *  Facility (SRCF). We exist as a university society to provide
 *  modern, flexible computing and network services, such as access
 *  to a UNIX server running Gopher software, for University of
 *  Cambridge Staff and Students.
 *  If you have any queries, or would like assistance, please contact
 *  the SRCF support team:
 *  support@srcf.net
 *  ** What you get...
 *  Gopher site hosting with a rich variety of featuresplain
 *  Email and mailing lists (coming soon: UUCP)
 *  And much much more
 *  ** NEW: Gopher hosting
 *  SRCF users' gopher sitesgopher-menu
 *  SRCF societies' gopher sitesgopher-menu
 *  How to publish your Gopher site on the SRCFplain
 *  Users of the SRCF should read this then go ahead and publish a
 *  Gopher site right away!
 *  What is Gopher?
 *  Gopher search engine (Veronica-2)
 *  Welcome to the world of Gopher and enjoy!

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